I flagged an answer to a question that was requesting a "program or browser extension".
Instead of providing a recommendation for a program or browser extension, the answer consists of just a single sentence that points to a website.
I flagged the question as "not an answer" because that flag should be used when:
This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
The flag was declined and the inappropriate answer remains. (Note that I just flagged the answer as "Low Quality", but I think "Not an Answer" fits even better.)
Since the question specifically asks for a "program or browser extension" (and thus not a website or even a web-app), the answer provided does not answer the question asked. Thus, it's more or less okay as a comment, but not as an answer.
I guess we can debate whether or not a website is really a program, but that opens Pandora's box. We could further expand the definition of a web-app to almost any website (although we've already concluded we don't want websites as answers), but the question author did not ask for a web-app.
Are we now allowing links to websites as answers, even when the question specifically asks for a "program or browser extension"?