In the past few days, the review queue had a load of edits where "obvious" tags where being added. I have my doubts of whether those are really useful – though I see the point of the resp. editors.
One example is the offline tag. Making up an example: If someone asks for a camera app for Android that is able to work offline, to me that almost sounds like asking for wet water. Adding the offline tag as the only edit action would then mark the "wet water" as "containing H2O".
Do we really need that?
Similarly: OP asks for a web-based genealogy software, so he can work on his ancestry with family members – tagged web-apps
and genealogy
. And edit simply adds the collaboration tag here. I'd think that be obvious for a web-based genealogy software to be intended-for/capable-of collaboration tasks, so I'd not even think of that tag in a search.
Maybe it's just me being confused here. I didn't reject any of those edits (just skipped them), but to ease my confusion I'd like to know where the community stands: Do we want those "obvious tags" – and if so, when/what rules to apply? What would be the reasons supporting them – and also, what speaks against them?