I am curious as to how it is decided what gets bumped to the home page. Is it an automated process, or manual?
I am looking at this recently bumped question.
It has three good answers (two of them mine :-) but the OP has not upvoted or commented any of them (no one has).
I look at the OP's profile, and see "Last seen Apr 30 '15 at 9:30", so I doubt that he is going to come back and accept an answer.
Maybe a check for this sort of inactivity could be part of the bump process, no matter whether it is manual or automatic.
I do understand that bumping is for inactive questions which did not get much attention, but there is only so much space on the front page, and this question was bumped at the expense of another, which might potentially have been awarded an answer by a poster who is still active.
No question, really. Just thinking aloud.