I've been suspend here twice, so now I would put the maximum effort in opening a really good question. And I would really appreciate for you advice and help. Please, be batient with me..
I've made some initial search. I've found:
- Visual Studio's T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) - Check out Scott Hanselman's article for an introduction
- Codesmyth
- http://www.metadrone.com/
- http://www.mygenerationsoftware.com/portal/default.aspx
- http://plinqo.com/
- Codesmith 2.6 is freeware - http://www.codesmithtools.com/freeware.aspx
I've found that Codesmith is not a mature product as I would like to.
But how should I open the question? How should I set it? The real question is: "which is the most mature code generator tool?"
Ok, I can workaround it. I can explain deeply why Codesmith is not completely a mature software. Would it be sufficient for opening a good quality question?