As our Lizard already pointed out: Nice and crisp! Maybe you want to make it even "crisper", so I'll put some of my currently used slight adjustments here, which give a little more contrast while sticking to the color scheme:
/* Make question titles bolder (question list page). */
#question-mini-list .question-hyperlink,
#question-header .question-hyperlink,
#questions .question-hyperlink {
font-weight: bolder !important;
/* Darken question excerpt (question list) */
.excerpt {
color: #222 !important;
/* Darken tag text for more contrast */
.post-tag {
color: #354044 !important;
.post-tag:hover { color:white !important;} /* was overwritten by above */
/* Darken votes text (votes next to questions/answers) */
.statscontainer .votes, .vote, .vote span, .vote-count-post strong {
color: black !important;
/* Better contrast for user-details */
.started-link, .user-details, .started .reputation-score, .badgecount {
color: #444 !important;
Feel free to pick from these (others: feel free to adapt them into a UserStyle ;)
PS: Also note from my comment above that the avatar of the chat bot (which announced Meta posts in our main room) has gone missing: throws a 404 error (not just for me ;)
PPS: The new design seems to have an ad-blocker integrated: what was supposed to show our community-ad for FDroid looks like <img src="" alt="" title="" width="300" height="250">
(as the hover still works, one can find out via stats which image was supposed to be here).