My own answer to this question is based on Alecos Papadopoulos' answer to a similar issue on Economics SE.
Such questions:
a) Can very easily come out as "too broad", and for this matter should be edited as quick as possible if they're not very well stated out.
b) In reality are usually really complex yet interesting, since they are actually about daily choices faced by numerous users.
c) It would take a long discussion to reach one or more pertinent answers on such a topic, discussion which in my opinion makes sense and has it place on SR.
So I consider them as the hardest challenge to this website -to be able to formulate a condensed answer, providing some directions and tentative conclusions based on testing and on some relevant real-world info/experience, while keeping visible the alternatives their answer have to leave out.
I definitely want to see more of these questions here but without filtering low-quality answers they are for the moment big low-quality "I tried that too" magnets.