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4 votes

Product names in question titles / "Alternative to ..." titles

As Thomas said, a "Alternative to XYZ" title is not a the best way to attract good answers. It eliminates people who don't know the potentially out-of-trend XYZ, and it does not contain any keywords. ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
  • 19.5k
3 votes

Product names in question titles / "Alternative to ..." titles

TL;DR: for you own good. Indeed, nothing prevents you from writing such a title. However, it may be less likely that you get answers, if you consider the following situation. You have written "Free ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
3 votes

Should titles actually be a question?

I would argue against question titles. They make all questions look the same, and force readers to loose time on insignificant words before getting to the point of the title. While it might not sound ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
  • 19.5k

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