This is my first question in Software Recommendation. I am surprised to see so many downvotes. Is the question really that bad? Please someone explain so I can delete my question after knowing the reason.
1 Answer
Glad you brought this topic to Meta, sameer – that's the best place to seek clarification of this kind!
Downvoters should have commented and give you hints why they downvoted. But unfortunately, they don't always do that. I was not one of them, so I can only guess. But taking a look at your question, a good guess is it's lacking required information (which it definitely does). It might help you to take a look at What is required for a question to contain "enough information"? to see what makes a "good question". Summed up:
- a user story (what's the background, what do you want to achieve)
- a list of specific requirements (what are must-haves, what are (optional) nice-to-haves)
- don't forget to specify the intended platform (which OS, if applicable, or whether it should be a web-app)
Another indicator is already given by Nick's comment: Before posting your question, make sure it's on-topic. Some general pointers (not all related to your specific question, that is):
- off-topic:
- looking for a hosting/service provider: Are hosting recommendation requests on-topic?
- troubleshooting a piece of software
- asking to compare "product X versus product Y"
- what is the best X (opinion based; frowned on on all SE sites. Of course we don't recommend "the worst". If I recommend anything, I do so for a good reason :)
- can you please list some alternatives to... (list-type answers are frowned upon as well on the entire SE) We don't want bullet-list-of-names, but specific, high-quality answers here.
- "I need a software like X" (without any details on what X is). Rather specify your requirements (not just link to the "other" product: all criteria should be contained in your post, as a) the link might rot/die, and b) you cannot expect potential answerers to "jump around" to collect your requirements ;) Not everybody knows X, but might know a good "similar" product. See:
- I want to learn about X. Any good books/tutorials? → This is Software Recommendations, not "general recommendations" :) See: Questions that do not ask for recommended software on topic?
- on-topic:
- which software do you recommend to {do X}, and meets the following criteria: …
Further recommended readings:
- What if we don't know exactly what we want?
- How to ask for advice on a very specific topic which I don't know in deep?
- Is it OK to ask for a software having a particular feature?
- Criteria you should mention in your question, for each type of software
- How to ask and answer software recommendation questions - aka 'The Ground Rules'
- Are “What are criteria for X” on-topic
- What happens when someone needs one very specific feature?