Our lovely chatroom is currently sitting there with a terribly generic name: Software Recommendations.
What should we name it?
Our lovely chatroom is currently sitting there with a terribly generic name: Software Recommendations.
What should we name it?
Thought of this overnight...
It's not perfectly matched to our topic, but it sounds kinda good. Maybe it'll give some people inspiration to come up with something better!
The meanest, biggest bad ass chat room on the plains.
I tried to make a joke about swrecs
in reference to Sean Connery on Jeopardy saying "schwords" (like swords
) for "S Words" when talking about the category of questions pertaining to "S Words". I failed. Couldn't think of anything pithy -- all the pith got stolen by Robert's answer above. Seriously, "Software Rex"? That's a whole mouthful of pith. ;x
I was thinking of the extremely lame, pun-free name Word of Mouth
. I have to explain it for it to make any sense, so it's probably bad, but once you get it, it kind of tickles. A little. Maybe.
So there are often surveys on registration forms or purchase forms for software online, which ask "How did you hear about us?" or "How did you hear about X product?", and one of the choices is "Word of Mouth".
It would seem fitting that people would hear about their software literally in the "Word of Mouth" channel about this site, or from the site itself, and then go buy that software.
Not funny, right? Oh well. I tried.
Word of Mouth
, (although the german equivalent, translates like Mouthpropaganda
, would be cooler somehow)
Feb 8, 2014 at 9:36
I can't take credit for this one, someone else came up with it.
Well known key combination, where Control can have the meaning as in Control Room too. And F can mean multiple things :)
Because we serve (Soft)Warezs and will soon have lots of them.
Warehouse 101 sounds cool too, somehow.
So fluffy. Very recommended.
This name also means that there is a lot of software around, implying that it is sometimes difficult to find the best match.
(variation on Angelo's answer)
I just think that Software should have been called Fluffyware in the first place. I mean "soft" is such a boring word, ain't it?