In February Software Recommendations SE turned 10 years old. Congratulations on asking, answering, voting, and building this community for a whole decade!

Whenever a Stack Exchange site turns 10 we like to celebrate by encouraging users to reflect on their experiences here.

How did you first discover the site? Do you have a favorite question or answer that helped you solve a problem? A stellar recommendation? Any funny anecdotes or other insights on your time here, that you would like to share? We want to hear it all!

4 Answers 4


Congratulations Software Recommendations!

This site has been super useful for me, to find out whether a program already exists before developing my own.


How did you first discover the site?

You just read all sites and have a look on which ones you're interested in.

Do you have a favorite question or answer that helped you solve a problem?

The most surprising answer was JArchitect, a product of a company of which I already owned 2 other programs but their website is so bad that I couldn't find the version for Java.

A stellar recommendation?

Awesome free / open source programs which I like very much:

  • Blender (3D software)
  • OBS Studio (screen recording, live streaming)
  • Libre Office (office)
  • GIMP / Paint.NET (image editing)
  • VLC (video playback)
  • Firefox (bowser)
  • VS Code / Visual Studio Community Edition / PyCharm Community (programming)
  • DaVinci Resolve (video editing)
  • MuseScore / Audacity (sound)
  • FTK Imager Lite (forensics, saved me a dozen of hard disk losses)

Any funny anecdotes or other insights on your time here, that you would like to share?

I sometimes come here to look for software, just to find an answer that I have written myself. On one hand that's great, on the other hand I feel like I'm getting old.


How did you first discover the site?

I asked a question on Super User or Ask Ubuntu and they sent me here

Any funny anecdotes?

The thing above made me check all other SE websites. I didn't know there was a SO page in my language until then. And now Game Development has been the 3rd highest reputation I have in the network even though I don't develop games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I was part of the closed beta. I was intentional about it, and actually put effort in. (I have honestly been part of other closed betas, but didn't put the effort in, but this one i did.).

That was good time. A small community that was trying really hard for quality. Once that period was over I dropped off, I felt my part was done. I wore the shirt Stack Exchange sent me for it for years. Every time i took a flight, it was so comfortable.

Since then i have mostly left stack exchange all together. I don't remember the last time I posted an answer.

I looking at front page now the quality seems to have gone down. But not as far as i feared.

Congrats on 10 years all.

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