I realize the forum is not out of beta yet, and that splitting might not help it to become so.
BUT, I have noticed an increase in the number of developers asking for s/w recommendations, whereas at the start it was all end-users just asking for applications. In fact, I use it myself since S.O & programmers long ago banned "opinion based" questions and recommendations.
Is there enough functional distinction to justify a split, or should we stay with a single site (for the time being)?
[Update] a pity about all of the downvotes. Are you saying "I don't like the idea of a split"? Or "there is something wrong with this question"?
If the former, I am not demanding a split, hardly even suggesting it, rather merely encouraging discussion of an idea that I had.
If the latter, could you,please, (as, IMO, all down-voters should) take a few seconds to tell me what is wrong with the question and how I can improve it? Thanks.