Self-answered questions are judged a bit harder here than your average question, and rightly so. While we don't discourage self-answering it is far too open to abuse for the end goal of reputation gain, so we measure potential cases to a slightly stricter standard.
Even when easy reputation is not the goal, far too often in knowing the answer ahead of time the question will end up a bit on the lazy side, and questions like this are often borderline for being flagged as "unclear what you are asking".
If you hadn't added the platform in when prompted I definitely would have flagged it as unclear, and even now I think it barely makes the grade, and I assume others are thinking the same thing as reflected by the downvotes.
The best questions here provide as much detail as possible: a list of features (sometimes broken up into absolute requirements, nice-to-have features and do-not-want features), a use-case statement, software you have already tried but just doesn't do what you need etc.
Based on this, self-answered questions should at least aim to be a good question, if not a great question. A few extra minutes on your part can turn a borderline unclear question into a worthwhile question, and can turn something that will net you negative rep (and maybe close votes) into a question (and answer) worth upvoting.