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May 3, 2017 at 8:41 history edited CommunityBot
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Aug 27, 2014 at 11:49 comment added unor About "software intended for illegal operations": We have some related discussions here on this Meta (our old Area51 discussions are not necessarily relevant), tagged with ethics.
Mar 20, 2014 at 21:27 comment added ApproachingDarknessFish @Jeroen Added clarification in link text.
Mar 20, 2014 at 21:27 history edited ApproachingDarknessFish CC BY-SA 3.0
added 46 characters in body
Mar 20, 2014 at 15:18 comment added Jeroen The link in this answer suggests that such an exception actually does not exist: the accepted + most upvoted answer imo comes down to "It is not our place to determine what someone is going to do with a piece of software they ask about. Unless the [question] specifically states, "I plan to use [the] software to violate [...] laws," we should apply an innocent until proven guilty approach."
Feb 24, 2014 at 17:19 history edited Robert Cartaino CC BY-SA 3.0
deleted 6 characters in body
Feb 12, 2014 at 21:48 comment added Ira Baxter I don't mind opinionated answers which also provide verifiable properties. But "best" isn't verifiable.
Feb 12, 2014 at 17:53 comment added Kenny Evitt @IraBaxter, even with lots of "verifiable properties", what's stopping answers from being opinionated? And why would we want answers without opinions? Are you saying that no one should write in an answer that program X is easier to use than program Y without some kind of citation of a meta-review of replicated scientific research? That seems too be far too steep of a criterion for acceptable answers.
Feb 5, 2014 at 4:17 comment added Ira Baxter Programmers are end-users of certain kinds of software. They should be served by this site, too. I agree that questions about tools should contain specifics. "What is the best X" for some noun X can only produce opinionated answers, unless the request includes a lot of verifiable properties of X.
Feb 5, 2014 at 0:01 vote accept scubaFun
Feb 4, 2014 at 22:53 history edited ApproachingDarknessFish CC BY-SA 3.0
added 354 characters in body
Feb 4, 2014 at 21:14 comment added ApproachingDarknessFish I would consider software libraries no different from any other software. Their purpose just happens to be writing more software.
Feb 4, 2014 at 21:12 comment added scubaFun Thank you for your response, and I agree with you about making specific questions. What I wanted to point out is if such technical questions, of tools that are not exactly a software that can be consumed by an end-user, will be allowed here.
Feb 4, 2014 at 21:04 history answered ApproachingDarknessFish CC BY-SA 3.0