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Feb 10, 2014 at 15:40 comment added Angelo Fuchs let us continue this discussion in chat
Feb 10, 2014 at 15:36 comment added Revious @AngeloNeuschitzer: I appreciate a lot your community. But it seems just a bit presumptuous saying you don't have time to look 5 minutes on wikipedia or my link what's the meaning of dicotomic and then loosing many minutes here speaking with me for defending yourself from the things I accuse you. Are you able to go deep into the real reason because you don't want to read that document? I think the reason is really simple. You have taken it personally. We have a great opinion of ourself and it seems to you that reading even only some rows of that document is just like letting me "win"..
Feb 10, 2014 at 15:08 comment added Angelo Fuchs I'm not offended. And I disagree its all about if and how our community works, this is why there is meta. This is why I am here, talking to you. I don't need to be a psychologist to know how to maintain a community. (i.E. all the people on mSO, of whom maybe one or two is a psychologist; they do a great work.) I'm sorry but I feel (and the votes on your comments suggest that I'm not alone with this) that you have a wrong picture about this community and how it works.
Feb 10, 2014 at 14:51 comment added Revious It's not about our community works. It's about our mind works. I strongly believe that everyone can achieve great goal in IT even without a degree. But not without reading what other people said before us. The experience can lead you to some important goal. But you are narcisistic if you really believa you could practice as a medic without sudying medicine. Understanding people is quite simple for psychologist. Making people accept their limit is the hard stuff.. read, document yourself or accept your "ignorance" on the matter (don't take as an offence). With experience or not you can improve.
Feb 10, 2014 at 13:55 comment added Angelo Fuchs I haven't (and won't) read the article. I build communities in the RL since some years, I have some very good understanding about how that works from practice, not books. There are two (major) ways of learning: looking at what others have said before (which may or may not be right) or doing it yourself. I prefer the latter. I can see how SE works, I spend serious time on mSO to learn how THIS community works. I have no need to read any external article about it and don't care how OTHER communities work.
Feb 10, 2014 at 13:48 comment added Revious @AngeloNeuschitzer: yes, I agree. I'm speaking of how we should make the rules. Ps: have you read the article? Otherwise you could be speaking of topics without knowing what studious says about that? It's just like speaking of best practice without reading any books on them..
Feb 10, 2014 at 13:27 comment added Angelo Fuchs I disagree. Having strict rules and applying them is a good approach. The Flexibility should be to allow new users to fix the problems of their Questions. And we need Flexibility if we see that our rules don't match the need, because then we have to change them and again apply the new rules throughly. Also we need this rules BEFORE there comes the opening of this site not AFTER we thought about it for too long.
Feb 10, 2014 at 13:21 comment added Revious @AngeloNeuschitzer: before voting for closing an answer we should think: "why I want to close that question?". Psychologian calls this process "descending arrow". Going deep to the reason we want to do something. It's always based on our subjective convinctions. We should analize that convinctions and see if they are valid or not. And ONLY AFTER this process making guidelines.
Feb 10, 2014 at 13:20 comment added Revious @AngeloNeuschitzer: yes, of course. I think we should have a VERY strong reason to close one question on a section whose title's ethimology means "opinion based". Instead we could suggest to change the form. But we should be FLEXIBLE. A strong mental rigidity is also the base of every mental disorder. Which means a bit amount of flexibility is always welcome.
Feb 10, 2014 at 12:29 comment added Angelo Fuchs So, is that a valid question in your eyes or no? Your Answer doesn't answer the question.
Feb 10, 2014 at 11:39 history answered Revious CC BY-SA 3.0